var h = require('hyperscript') var com = require('../com') var u = require('../util') var social = require('../social-graph') var subwindows = [] var makeSubwindow = module.exports.subwindow = function (el, title, opts) { // create a context so we can release this window on close opts = opts || {} var icon = com.icon(opts.icon || 'th-large') var h2 = h.context() var canclose = true // markup var collapseToggleIcon = com.icon('chevron-down') var subwindow = h2('.subwindow', h2('.subwindow-toolbar', h2('.title', icon, ' ', h('span.title-text', title)), ( ? h2('', { href: '#', onclick: onhelp }, com.icon('question-sign')) : '', (opts.url) ? h2('a.goto', { href: '#', onclick: ongoto, title: 'Go to page for '+title }, com.icon('arrow-right')) : '', h2('a', { href: '#', onclick: oncollapsetoggle }, collapseToggleIcon), h2('a.close', { href: '#', onclick: onclose }, com.icon('remove')) ), h2('.subwindow-body', el) ) document.body.appendChild(subwindow) subwindow.enableClose = function () { canclose = true } subwindow.disableClose = function () { canclose = false } subwindow.collapse = function () { subwindow.classList.add('collapsed') collapseToggleIcon.classList.remove('glyphicon-chevron-down') collapseToggleIcon.classList.add('glyphicon-'+(opts.icon || 'chevron-up')) reflow() } subwindow.expand = function () { subwindow.classList.remove('collapsed') collapseToggleIcon.classList.remove('glyphicon-'+(opts.icon || 'chevron-up')) collapseToggleIcon.classList.add('glyphicon-chevron-down') reflow() } subwindow.close = function (force) { if (!canclose) return // check if there are any forms in progress if (!force) { var els ='textarea')) for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) { if (els[i].value) { if (!confirm('Lose changes to your draft?')) return break } } } // remove document.body.removeChild(subwindow) h2.cleanup() subwindows.splice(subwindows.indexOf(subwindow), 1) reflow() subwindow = null } // handlers function onclose (e) { e.preventDefault() subwindow.close() } function ongoto (e) { e.preventDefault() window.location = opts.url } function oncollapsetoggle (e) { e.preventDefault() if (subwindow.classList.contains('collapsed')) subwindow.expand() else subwindow.collapse() } function onhelp (e) { e.preventDefault() makeSubwindow(, [com.icon('question-sign'), ' ',]) } // manage subwindows.push(subwindow) reflow() return subwindow } = function (opts) { // render opts = opts || {} opts.onpost = onpost var form = com.pmForm(opts) var sw = makeSubwindow(form, 'Secret Message', { icon: 'lock', help: 'secret-messages' }) try { form.querySelector('input').focus() } catch (e) {} // handlers function onpost () { sw.close(true) } } = function (topic) { return makeSubwindow(,, { icon: 'question-sign' }) } module.exports.message = function (key) { app.ssb.get(key, function (err, msg) { if (err || !msg) require('../ui/subwindows').subwindow(h('p', 'Message Not Found'), 'Message') else { msg = { key: key, value: msg } var title = u.shortString(msg.value.content.text || 'Message Thread', 30) var sw = makeSubwindow( com.message(msg, { fullview: true, markread: true, live: true }), title, { icon: 'envelope', url: '#/msg/'+msg.key } ) sw.querySelector('.subwindow-body').style.background = '#eee' } }) } module.exports.inbox = function () { var feedEl = com.messageFeed({ feed: app.ssb.patchwork.createInboxStream, live: app.ssb.patchwork.createInboxStream({ gt: [, null], live: true }), onempty: onempty }) function onempty (feedEl) { feedEl.appendChild(h('p.text-center', { style: 'margin: 25px 0; padding: 10px; color: gray' }, 'Your inbox is empty!')) } var sw = makeSubwindow(feedEl, 'Inbox', { icon: 'inbox' }) sw.querySelector('.subwindow-body').style.background = '#eee' } // reposition subwindows var SPACING = 10 function reflow () { var right = SPACING subwindows.forEach(function (sw) { = right + 'px' if (sw.classList.contains('collapsed')) right += 50 + SPACING else right += 500 + SPACING }) }