'use strict' var h = require('hyperscript') var pull = require('pull-stream') var paramap = require('pull-paramap') var mlib = require('ssb-msgs') var schemas = require('ssb-msg-schemas') var ssbref = require('ssb-ref') var app = require('../app') var ui = require('../ui') var modals = require('../ui/modals') var com = require('./index') var u = require('../util') var markdown = require('../markdown') var social = require('../social-graph') module.exports = function (msg, opts) { // markup msg.plaintext = (typeof msg.value.content !== 'string') var msgComments = h('.message-comments') var msgEl = h('.message'+(!msg.plaintext?'.secret':'')+((opts && opts.fullview)?'.fullview':'.smallview'), { onclick: (!(opts && opts.fullview) ? onopen(msg) : null) }, com.userImg(msg.value.author), h('.message-inner', h('ul.message-header.list-inline', h('li', com.user(msg.value.author)), (mlib.link(msg.value.content.root)) ? h('li', h('em', h('a.text-muted', { href: '#/msg/'+mlib.link(msg.value.content.root).link }, 'replies to...'))) : '', !msg.plaintext ? h('li', com.icon('lock')) : '', h('li.pull-right', h('a', { href: '#', onclick: onflag(msg), title: 'Flag this post' }, com.icon('flag'))), h('li.favorite.pull-right', h('span.users'), h('a', { href: '#', onclick: onfavorite(msg), title: 'Favorite this post' }, com.icon('star')) ) ), h('.message-body', (typeof msg.value.content != 'string') ? com.messageContent(msg) : ''), h('ul.message-footer.list-inline', (!(opts && opts.fullview)) ? h('li', com.a('#/msg/'+msg.key, h('small.comment-count-digits'))) : '', h('li.pull-right', h('small', com.a('#/msg/'+msg.key, u.prettydate(new Date(msg.value.timestamp), true)))) ) ), msgComments ) msg.el = msgEl // attach el to msg for the handler-funcs to access fetchState(msg, opts) // unread app.ssb.patchwork.isRead(msg.key, function (err, isread) { if (!err && !isread) msg.el.classList.add('unread') }) // if encrypted, attempt to decrypt if (!msg.plaintext) { app.ssb.private.unbox(msg.value.content, function (err, decrypted) { if (decrypted) { msg.value.content = decrypted // render content var body = msgEl.querySelector('.message-body') body.innerHTML = '' body.appendChild(com.messageContent(msg)) } }) } if (opts && opts.live) { // create a live-stream of the log var livelog = app.ssb.createLogStream({ gt: Date.now(), live: true }) ui.onTeardown(function() { livelog(true, function(){}) }) pull(livelog, pull.drain(function (newmsg) { if (newmsg.sync) return // decrypt, if needed newmsg.plaintext = (typeof newmsg.value.content !== 'string') if (!newmsg.plaintext) { app.ssb.private.unbox(newmsg.value.content, function (err, decrypted) { if (decrypted) { newmsg.value.content = decrypted next() } }) } else next() function next () { var c = newmsg.value.content // only messages in this thread if (!(c.type && c.root && mlib.link(c.root).link == msg.key)) return // render new comments automatically var el = renderComment(newmsg) el.classList.add('add-anim') setTimeout(function() { el.querySelector('.message-inner').style.background = '#fff' }, 33) msg.el.querySelector('.message-comments').appendChild(el) } })) // render a notice that this is live msg.el.appendChild(h('.well.text-muted', { style: 'margin: 5px 0 0 88px' }, com.icon('flash'), ' Replies will auto-update in realtime.')) } return msgEl } function onpostreply (msg, opts) { return function (comment) { if (opts && opts.fullview) return if (typeof comment.value.content == 'string') // an encrypted message? ui.refreshPage() // easier just to refresh to page, for now else msg.el.querySelector('.message-comments').appendChild(renderComment(comment)) } } function onopen (msg) { return function (e) { // make sure this isnt a click on a link var node = e.target while (node && node !== msg.el) { if (node.tagName == 'A') return node = node.parentNode } e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() var root = mlib.link(msg.value.content.root || msg.value.content.flag) var key = root ? root.link : msg.key window.location.hash = '#/msg/'+key+((key!=msg.key)?('?jumpto='+encodeURIComponent(msg.key)):'') } } function onfavorite (msg) { var voting = false return function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() if (voting) return // wait please voting = true var favoriteBtn = this // get current state by checking if the control is selected // this won't always be the most recent info, but it will be close and harmless to get wrong, // plus it will reflect what the user expects to happen happening var wasSelected = favoriteBtn.classList.contains('selected') var newvote = (wasSelected) ? 0 : 1 updateFavBtn(favoriteBtn, !wasSelected) app.ssb.publish(schemas.vote(msg.key, newvote), function (err) { voting = false if (err) { updateFavBtn(favoriteBtn, wasSelected) // undo modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occured while trying to fav/unfav message.') } else { // update ui var users = msg.el.querySelector('.message-header .favorite .users') if (newvote === 0) { try { users.removeChild(users.querySelector('.this-user')) } catch (e) {} } else { var userimg = com.userImg(app.user.id) userimg.classList.add('this-user') users.insertBefore(userimg, users.firstChild) } } }) } } function onflag (msg) { return function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() ui.dropdown(e.target, [ { value: 'nsfw', label: 'NSFW', title: 'Graphic or adult content' }, { value: 'spam', label: 'Spam', title: 'Off-topic or nonsensical' }, { value: 'abuse', label: 'Abuse', title: 'Harrassment or needlessly derogatory' } ], function (value) { if (!value) return // publish flag app.ssb.publish(schemas.flag(msg.key, value), function (err, flagmsg) { if (err) { modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occured while trying to flag a message.') } else { // render new flag msg.el.querySelector('.message-comments').appendChild(renderComment(flagmsg)) } }) }) } } function updateFavBtn (el, b) { if (b) el.classList.add('selected') else el.classList.remove('selected') el.setAttribute('title', b ? 'Unfavorite this post' : 'Favorite this post') } var fetchState = module.exports.fetchState = function (msg, opts) { // reply messages app.ssb.relatedMessages({ id: msg.key, count: true }, function (err, thread) { if (!thread || !thread.related) { if (opts && opts.fullview) msg.el.appendChild(com.composer(msg, msg, { onpost: onpostreply(msg, opts) })) if (opts && opts.markread) app.ssb.patchwork.markRead(msg.key) return } u.decryptThread(thread, function () { // copy the original message's value over, in case it was decrypted above thread.value = msg.value // handle votes, flags renderSignals(msg.el, thread) // get comments var cids = {} var comments = thread.related.filter(function (r) { if (cids[r.key]) return false // only appear once cids[r.key] = 1 var c = r.value.content if (c.type == 'flag' && c.flag && c.flag.reason && !isFlagUndone(r)) return true // render a flag if it's still active return (c.type == 'post') && isaReplyTo(r, msg) }) // render composer now that we know the last message, and thus can give the branch link if (opts && opts.fullview) msg.el.appendChild(com.composer(thread, comments[comments.length - 1] || thread, { onpost: onpostreply(msg, opts) })) // render comments if (opts && opts.fullview) renderComments() else { if (opts && opts.markread) app.ssb.patchwork.markRead(thread.key) // go ahead and mark the root read if (comments.length) msg.el.querySelector('.comment-count-digits').innerText = comments.length + (comments.length == 1?' reply':' replies') } function renderComments (e) { e && e.preventDefault() // render var commentsEl = msg.el.querySelector('.message-comments') var existingCommentEl = commentsEl.firstChild comments.forEach(function (comment) { commentsEl.insertBefore(renderComment(comment), existingCommentEl) }) // mark read if (opts && opts.markread) { var ids = [thread.key].concat(comments.map(function (c) { return c.key })) app.ssb.patchwork.markRead(ids) } } }) }) } function renderComment (msg, encryptionNotice) { var el = h('.message', { 'data-key': msg.key }, com.userImg(msg.value.author), h('.message-inner', h('ul.message-header.list-inline', h('li', com.user(msg.value.author)), h('li', h('small', com.a('#/msg/'+msg.key, u.prettydate(new Date(msg.value.timestamp), true)))), (msg.plaintext === false) ? h('li', com.icon('lock')) : '', h('li.pull-right', h('a', { href: '#', onclick: onflag(msg), title: 'Flag this post' }, com.icon('flag'))), h('li.favorite.pull-right', h('span.users'), h('a', { href: '#', onclick: onfavorite(msg), title: 'Favorite this post' }, com.icon('star')) ) ), h('.message-body', ((encryptionNotice) ? (msg.plaintext ? h('em.text-danger.pull-right', 'Warning: This comment was not encrypted!') : h('span.pull-right', com.icon('lock'))) : ''), com.messageContent(msg) ), h('ul.message-footer.list-inline', h('li.pull-right', h('small', com.a('#/msg/'+msg.key, u.prettydate(new Date(msg.value.timestamp), true)))) ) ) ) msg.el = el // attach for handlers renderSignals(el, msg) // unread app.ssb.patchwork.isRead(msg.key, function (err, isread) { if (!err && !isread) msg.el.classList.add('unread') }) return el } function isaReplyTo (a, b) { var c = a.value.content return (c.root && mlib.link(c.root).link == b.key || c.branch && mlib.link(c.branch).link == b.key) } function isaMentionOf (a, b) { var c = a.value.content return mlib.links(c.mentions).filter(function(l) { return l.link == b.key }).length !== 0 } function renderSignals (el, msg) { if (!msg || !msg.related) return // collect mentions and votes var mentions = [] var upvoters = {}, flaggers = {} msg.related.forEach(function (r) { var c = r.value.content if (c.type === 'vote') { if (c.vote.value === 1) upvoters[r.value.author] = 1 else delete upvoters[r.value.author] } else if (c.type == 'flag') { if (c.flag && c.flag.reason) flaggers[r.value.author] = c.flag.reason else delete flaggers[r.value.author] } else if (c.type == 'post') { if (!isaReplyTo(r, msg) && isaMentionOf(r, msg)) mentions.push(r) } }) // update vote ui if (upvoters[app.user.id]) updateFavBtn(el.querySelector('.message-header .favorite a'), true) upvoters = Object.keys(upvoters) var nupvoters = upvoters.length var favusers = el.querySelector('.message-header .favorite .users') favusers.innerHTML = '' upvoters.slice(0, 5).forEach(function (id) { var userimg = com.userImg(id) favusers.appendChild(userimg) }) if (nupvoters > 5) favusers.appendChild(h('span', '+', nupvoters-5)) // handle flags el.classList.remove('flagged-nsfw', 'flagged-spam', 'flagged-abuse') for (var k in flaggers) { // use the flag if we dont follow the author, or if we follow the flagger // (that is, dont use flags by strangers on people we follow) if (k == app.user.id || !social.follows(app.user.id, msg.value.author) || social.follows(app.user.id, k)) el.classList.add('flagged-'+flaggers[k]) } // render mentions if (mentions.length) { el.querySelector('.message-inner').appendChild(h('.message-mentions', mentions.map(renderMention))) } } function renderMention (m) { var text = m.value.content.text if (text.length > 40) text = text.slice(0, 37) + '...' if (text) text = ': ' + text return h('div', h('a', { href: '#/msg/'+m.key }, '↳ @', com.userName(m.value.author), text)) } function isFlagUndone (r) { if (r.related) { return r.related.filter(function (msg) { var c = msg.value.content return (mlib.link(c.redacts) && mlib.link(c.redacts).link == r.key) }).length > 0 } return false }