'use strict' var pull = require('pull-stream') var ui = require('./lib/ui') var modals = require('./lib/ui/modals') // Init // ==== // master state object window.app = require('./lib/app') // toplevel events window.addEventListener('hashchange', ui.refreshPage) window.addEventListener('contextmenu', ui.contextMenu) window.addEventListener('error', onError) document.body.addEventListener('click', onClick) document.body.addEventListener('mouseover', onHover) pull(app.ssb.patchwork.createEventStream(), pull.drain(onIndexEvent)) pull(app.ssb.blobs.changes(), pull.drain(onBlobDownloaded)) pull(app.ssb.gossip.changes(), pull.drain(onGossipEvent)) pull(app.ssb.replicate.changes(), pull.drain(onReplicationEvent)) app.observ.newPosts(onNewPost) // render ui.refreshPage(null, ui.pleaseWait.bind(ui, false)) // Handlers // ======== function onError (e) { e.preventDefault() console.error(e.error) modals.error('Unexpected Error', e.error, 'This was an unhandled exception.') } // look for link clicks which should trigger same-page refreshes function onClick (e) { var el = e.target while (el) { if (el.tagName == 'A' && el.origin == window.location.origin && el.hash && el.hash == window.location.hash) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() ui.refreshPage() return } el = el.parentNode } } function onHover (e) { var el = e.target while (el) { if (el.tagName == 'A') { if (el.getAttribute('title')) { ui.setStatus(el.getAttribute('title')) } else if (el.href) { var i = el.href.indexOf('#') if (i > 0) ui.setStatus(el.href.slice(i+1)) else ui.setStatus(el.href) } return } el = el.parentNode } ui.setStatus(false) } // update UI to reflect index changes function onIndexEvent (event) { console.log('onIndexEvent', event) if (event.type == 'home-add') app.observ.newPosts(1 + app.observ.newPosts()) if (event.type == 'index-change') { app.indexCounts[event.index] = event.total app.indexCounts[event.index+'Unread'] = event.unread app.observ.indexCounts[event.index](event.total) app.observ.indexCounts[event.index+'Unread'](event.unread) } } // render blobs as they come in function onBlobDownloaded (hash) { // hash downloaded, update any images var els = document.querySelectorAll('img[src^="http://localhost:7777/'+hash+'"]') for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) els[i].src = 'http://localhost:7777/'+hash var els = document.querySelectorAll('video[src^="http://localhost:7777/'+hash+'"]') for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) els[i].src = 'http://localhost:7777/'+hash var els = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bg^="http://localhost:7777/'+hash+'"]') for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) els[i].style.backgroundImage = 'url(http://localhost:7777/'+hash+')' } function onGossipEvent (e) { console.log(e) // update the peers var i for (i=0; i < app.peers.length; i++) { if (app.peers[i].key == e.peer.key && app.peers[i].host == e.peer.host && app.peers[i].port == e.peer.port) { app.peers[i] = e.peer break } } if (i == app.peers.length) app.peers.push(e.peer) var stats = require('./lib/util').getPubStats() // update observables app.observ.peers(app.peers) app.observ.hasSyncIssue(stats.hasSyncIssue) } function onReplicationEvent (e) { console.log(e) // update the peers var progress = { feeds: e.feeds, sync: e.sync, current: e.progress, total: e.total } var i for (i=0; i < app.peers.length; i++) { if (app.peers[i].key == e.peerid) { app.peers[i].progress = progress break } } // update observables if (i !== app.peers.length) app.observ.peers(app.peers) } // update title to show when new messages are available function onNewPost (n) { n = (n<0)?0:n var name = app.users.names[app.user.id] || 'New Account' if (n) { document.title = '-=[ ('+n+') Patchwork : '+name+' ]=-' } else { document.title = '-=[ Patchwork : '+name+' ]=-' } }