var h = require('hyperscript') var clipboard = require('clipboard') var com = require('./index') module.exports = function (opts) { // markup var processingInfoText = h('p') var processingInfo = h('.processing-info', h('.spinner', h('.cube1'), h('.cube2')), processingInfoText) var errorText = h('span', 'Something went wrong!') var error = h('.error.text-danger', com.icon('exclamation-sign'), ' ', errorText) var useBtn = h('button.btn.btn-3d', 'Find') var codeinput = h('input.form-control', { placeholder: 'Enter your friend\'s lookup code here' }) var form = h('.lookup-form', h('h3', 'Find a Friend'), h('form.form-inline', { onsubmit: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (codeinput.value) { opts.onsubmit(codeinput.value) } } }, h('p', codeinput, useBtn)), processingInfo, error, h('hr'), h('p', h('strong', 'Lookup codes help you find users around the Internet.')), h('.code', h('p', 'Your Lookup Code ', h('a.btn.btn-3d.btn-xs.pull-right', { href: '#', onclick: oncopy }, com.icon('copy'), ' Copy to clipboard') ), h('p', h('input.form-control', { placeholder: 'Building...' })) ), h('.text-muted', 'Send this to your friends, so they can find you.') ) // handlers function oncopy (e) { e.preventDefault() var btn = if (btn.tagName == 'SPAN') btn = e.path[1] clipboard.writeText(form.querySelector('.code input').value) btn.innerText = 'Copied!' } // api form.disable = function () { useBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true) codeinput.setAttribute('disabled', true) } form.enable = function () { useBtn.removeAttribute('disabled') codeinput.removeAttribute('disabled') } form.setYourLookupCode = function (code) { form.querySelector('.code input').value = code } form.setProcessingText = function (text) { = 'none' processingInfoText.innerHTML = text = 'block' } form.setErrorText = function (text) { = 'none' errorText.innerHTML = text = 'block' } return form }