'use strict' var h = require('hyperscript') var suggestBox = require('suggest-box') var schemas = require('ssb-msg-schemas') var refs = require('ssb-ref') var createHash = require('multiblob/util').createHash var pull = require('pull-stream') var pushable = require('pull-pushable') var app = require('../app') var ui = require('../ui') var modals = require('../ui/modals') var com = require('./index') var util = require('../util') var markdown = require('../markdown') var mentionslib = require('../mentions') var social = require('../social-graph') module.exports = function (opts) { var recipients = [] var placeholder = (opts && opts.placeholder) ? opts.placeholder : '' // make sure there are no name conflicts first var conflicts = [] for (var k in app.actionItems) { var item = app.actionItems[k] if (item.type == 'name-conflict') { conflicts.push(h('.note.warning', h('h3', 'Heads up!'), h('p', 'You are following more than one user named "'+item.name+'." You need to rename one of them before you send secret messages, to avoid confusion.'), h('ul.list-inline', item.ids.map(function (id) { return h('li', com.userImg(id), ' ', com.user(id)) })) )) } } if (conflicts.length) return h('.notifications', { style: 'margin-top: 24px' }, conflicts) // markup var recpInput = h('input', { onsuggestselect: onSelectRecipient, onkeydown: onRecpInputKeydown }) var recipientsEl = h('.pm-form-recipients', h('span.recp-label', 'To'), recpInput) var textarea = h('textarea', { name: 'text', placeholder: placeholder, onkeyup: onTextChange }) var postBtn = h('button.postbtn.btn', { disabled: true }, 'Send') suggestBox(textarea, app.suggestOptions) suggestBox(recpInput, { any: app.suggestOptions['@'] }, { cls: 'msg-recipients' }) renderRecpList() if (opts && opts.recipients) opts.recipients.forEach(addRecp) var form = h('form.pm-form', { onsubmit: post }, recipientsEl, h('.pm-form-textarea', textarea), h('.pm-form-attachments', postBtn) ) function disable () { postBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true) } function enable () { postBtn.removeAttribute('disabled') } function renderRecpList () { // remove all .recp Array.prototype.forEach.call(recipientsEl.querySelectorAll('.recp'), function (el) { recipientsEl.removeChild(el) }) // render recipients.forEach(function (id) { recipientsEl.insertBefore(h('.recp', com.icon('lock'), ' ', com.userName(id), ' ', h('a', { href: '#', onclick: onRemoveRecipient, 'data-id': id, innerHTML: '×', tabIndex: '-1' }) ), recpInput) }) resizeTextarea() } // handlers function onTextChange (e) { if (recipients.length && textarea.value.trim()) enable() else disable() } function addRecp (id) { // enforce limit if (recipients.length >= 7) { ui.notice('warning', 'Cannot add @'+com.userName(id)+' - You have reached the limit of 7 recipients on a Secret Message.') recpInput.value = '' return } // warn if the recipient doesnt follow the current user if (id !== app.user.id && !social.follows(id, app.user.id)) ui.notice('warning', 'Warning: @'+com.userName(id)+' does not follow you, and may not receive your message.') // remove if already exists (we'll push to end of list so user sees its there) var i = recipients.indexOf(id) if (i !== -1) recipients.splice(i, 1) // add, render recipients.push(id) recpInput.value = '' renderRecpList() } function onSelectRecipient (e) { addRecp(e.detail.id) } function onRemoveRecipient (e) { e.preventDefault() var i = recipients.indexOf(e.target.dataset.id) if (i !== -1) { recipients.splice(i, 1) renderRecpList() recpInput.focus() } } function onRecpInputKeydown (e) { // backspace on an empty field? if (e.keyCode == 8 && recpInput.value == '' && recipients.length) { recipients.pop() renderRecpList() } } // dynamically sizes the textarea based on available space // (no css method, including flexbox, would really nail this one) function resizeTextarea () { try { var height = 400 - 4 height -= recipientsEl.getClientRects()[0].height height -= form.querySelector('.pm-form-attachments').getClientRects()[0].height textarea.style.height = height + 'px' } catch (e) { // ignore, probably havent rendered yet } } function post (e) { e.preventDefault() var text = textarea.value if (!text.trim()) return disable() ui.pleaseWait(true) // prep text mentionslib.extract(text, function (err, mentions) { if (err) { ui.setStatus(null) ui.pleaseWait(false) enable() if (err.conflict) modals.error('Error While Publishing', 'You follow multiple people with the name "'+err.name+'." Go to the homepage to resolve this before publishing.') else modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occured while trying to extract the mentions from a secret message text.') return } // make sure the user is in the recipients if (recipients.indexOf(app.user.id) === -1) recipients.push(app.user.id) // list recipients with their names var recps = recipients.map(function (id) { return { link: id, name: com.userName(id) } }) // publish var post = schemas.post(text, null, null, mentions, recps) app.ssb.private.publish(post, recipients, function (err, msg) { ui.setStatus(null) enable() ui.pleaseWait(false) if (err) modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occured while trying to private-publish a new secret message.') else { app.ssb.patchwork.subscribe(msg.key) app.ssb.patchwork.markRead(msg.key) opts && opts.onpost && opts.onpost(msg) } }) }) } return form }