var h = require('hyperscript') var suggestBox = require('suggest-box') var multicb = require('multicb') var schemas = require('ssb-msg-schemas') var app = require('../app') var ui = require('../ui') var modals = require('../ui/modals') var com = require('./index') var mentionslib = require('../mentions') module.exports = function (id, opts) { // markup var name = com.userName(id) var textarea = h('textarea.form-control', { placeholder: 'Write your reason for flagging here.', rows: 4 }) suggestBox(textarea, app.suggestOptions) var form = h('.flag-form', h('h3', com.icon('flag'), ' Flag "', name, '"'), h('p.text-muted', h('small', 'Warn your followers about this user.')), h('form', { onsubmit: onsubmit }, h('.radios', opt('old-account', 'Old account'), opt('spammer', 'Spammer'), opt('abusive', 'Abusive'), opt('nsfw', 'NSFW'), opt('other', 'Other') ), h('p', textarea), h('p.text-right', h('button.btn.btn-3d', 'Publish')) ) ) function opt (value, label) { return h('.radio', h('label', h('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'flag-choice', value: value }), label ) ) } // handlers function onsubmit (e) { e.preventDefault() // prep text ui.pleaseWait(true) ui.setStatus('Publishing...') var reason = textarea.value var flag try { flag = form.querySelector(':checked').value } catch (e) {} mentionslib.extract(reason, function (err, mentions) { if (err) { ui.setStatus(null) ui.pleaseWait(false) if (err.conflict) modals.error('Error While Publishing', 'You follow multiple people with the name "''." Go to the homepage to resolve this before publishing.') else modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occurred while trying to extract the mentions from the text of a flag post.') return } // publish var done = multicb({ pluck: 1 }) app.ssb.publish(schemas.block(id), done()) app.ssb.publish(schemas.flag(id, flag||'other'), done()) done(function (err, msgs) { if (err) { ui.setStatus(null) ui.pleaseWait(false) return modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occurred while trying to publish the block and flag messages.') } if (!reason) { ui.setStatus(null) ui.pleaseWait(false) return opts.onsubmit() } app.ssb.publish(, msgs[1].key, msgs[1].key, (mentions.length) ? mentions : null), function (err) { if (err) modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occured while trying to publish the reason-post of a new flag.') else opts.onsubmit() }) }) }) } return form }