var h = require('hyperscript') var schemas = require('ssb-msg-schemas') var app = require('../app') var com = require('./index') var modals = require('../ui/modals') var u = require('../util') var hexagridOpts = { size: 30, nrow: 10 } module.exports = function (msg, opts) { var stats = (msg) ? u.calcMessageStats(msg, opts) : {} // markup var upvoted = (stats.uservote === 1) ? '.selected' : '' var downvoted = (stats.uservote === -1) ? '.selected' : '' var upvote = h('a.upvote'+upvoted, { href: '#', onclick: (opts && opts.handlers) ? onupvote : null }, com.icon('triangle-top')) var downvote = h('a.downvote'+downvoted, { href: '#', onclick: (opts && opts.handlers) ? ondownvote : null }, com.icon('triangle-bottom')) var voteTally = h('', { 'data-amt': stats.voteTally||0 }) // up/down voter hexagrids var upvoters = [], downvoters = [] if (stats.votes) { for (var uid in stats.votes) { var v = stats.votes[uid] if (v === 1) upvoters.push(uid) if (v === -1) downvoters.push(uid) } } var upvotersGrid, downvotersGrid if (upvoters.length) { upvotersGrid = com.userHexagrid(upvoters, hexagridOpts) upvotersGrid.classList.add('upvoters') } if (downvoters.length) { downvotersGrid = com.userHexagrid(downvoters, hexagridOpts) downvotersGrid.classList.add('downvoters') } return h('.message-stats', h('div', h('span.stat.votes', upvote, voteTally, downvote), h('a.stat.comments', { href: (msg) ? '#/msg/'+msg.key : 'javascript:void(0)', 'data-amt': stats.comments||0 }, com.icon('comment'))), upvotersGrid, downvotersGrid ) // handlers function onupvote (e) { vote(e, upvote, 1) } function ondownvote (e) { vote(e, downvote, -1) } var voting = false function vote (e, el, btnVote) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() if (voting) return // wait please voting = true // get current state by checking if the control is selected // this won't always be the most recent info, but it will be close and harmless to get wrong, // plus it will reflect what the user expects to happen happening var wasSelected = el.classList.contains('selected') var newvote = (wasSelected) ? 0 : btnVote // toggle behavior: unset el.classList.toggle('selected') // optimistice ui update // :TODO: use msg-schemas app.ssb.publish(, newvote), function (err) { voting = false if (err) { el.classList.toggle('selected') // undo modals.error('Error While Publishing', err) } else { // update ui var delta = newvote - (stats.uservote || 0) voteTally.dataset.amt = stats.voteTally = stats.voteTally + delta stats.uservote = newvote var up = (newvote === 1) ? 'add' : 'remove' var down = (newvote === -1) ? 'add' : 'remove' upvote.classList[up]('selected') downvote.classList[down]('selected') } }) } }