/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Projet: Dev Tools */ /* File : serialTrace.h */ /* Author: user@W500 08/28/20 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // RCS CI/CO : Cx v v, terminate log : CcCc, view log : Cx v l // TODO: all this should be in a class or a singleton class // TODO: strings should be in Flash 32kb code // #include #ifndef __SERIALTRACE_H__ #define __SERIALTRACE_H__ extern char *__brkval; unsigned long freeMemory() { char top; return &top - (__brkval ? __brkval : __malloc_heap_start); } void retard(unsigned long ms, int mini) { #ifndef TEST delay(ms); #else delay(mini); #endif } // functions used for I/O using serial monitor #ifndef IHM // if IHM undefined then just empty functions. // So users don't need to change code, just define/undefine IHM. // A bit of a waste, but main purpose is testing. bool ttyAskN ( String prompt ) {} bool ttyAskY ( String prompt ) {} char ttyGetChar ( String prompt ) {} int ttyGetInt ( String prompt ) {} void ttyPutInt ( String prompt, int num ) {} void ttyPutMem ( ) {} void ttyPutStr ( String txt ) {} void ttyPutUin ( String prompt, unsigned int num ) {} void ttyPutFloat ( String prompt, float num ) {} void ttySetIHM ( long baud ) {} void ttyWipe ( short lines ) {} #else void ttySetIHM(long baud) { Serial.begin(baud); // WIP check if baud in correct values ? for (int i=0;i<10;i++) Serial.print("\n") ; } void ttyPutStr(String txt) { Serial.println(txt); } void ttyPutMem() { char buf[32]; unsigned long octets = freeMemory(); int k = octets / 1024 ; int o = octets % 1024; sprintf(buf, "SRAM: %dKo%d free",k,o); Serial.println (buf) ; } void ttyPutInt(String prompt, int num ) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%s %d", prompt.c_str(), num ) ; Serial.println (buf) ; } void ttyPutUin(String prompt, unsigned int num ) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%s %d", prompt.c_str(), num ) ; Serial.println(buf) ; } int ttyGetInt(String prompt) { Serial.println(prompt); while (Serial.available()==0) {} //Wait for user input String val=Serial.readString(); return val.toInt(); } void ttyPutFloat ( String prompt, float num ) { Serial.print(prompt); Serial.println (num) ; } void ttyPutFloatRound ( String prompt, float num ) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%s %d", prompt.c_str(), int(num) ) ; Serial.println (buf) ; } char ttyGetChar(String prompt) { Serial.println(prompt); while (Serial.available()==0) {} //Wait for user input return Serial.read(); } bool ttyAskY(String prompt){ byte R = 223 & (byte)ttyGetChar(prompt); if ('Y' == R ) return true; else return false ; } bool ttyAskN(String prompt){ byte R = 223 & (byte)ttyGetChar(prompt); if ('N' == R ) return true; return false ; } void ttyWipe (short lines) { //const short ESC=27 ; KO in Arduino serial monitor, works with others tty // Serial.write(ESC); Serial.print("[2J"); // cls // Serial.write(ESC); Serial.print("[H"); // cursor to home while (lines--) Serial.print("\n") ; // somehow overkill ! } #endif // IHM #endif // __SERIALTRACE_H__