
159 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/* Si la température est < 15°C, un cycle de chauffe.
Si la température > 25 °C, le ventilateur tourne en proportion.
Si lHumidité < 50%, un cycle arrosage.
Si lHumidité >70 %, le ventilateur tourne en proportion
#define JAUNE 13 //
#define BLEU 12 //
#define ROUGE 11 //
#define VERTE 9 //
#define APVCC 2 //
#define APGND 6 //
#define AP_H A0 //
#define AP_T A1 //
#define IHM
#include "serialTrace.h" // infos / trace to serial monitor
#include "pt.h"
static struct pt ptT, ptH, ptV, ptC, ptE, ptN, ptA; // proto threads
int temp=0; int humi=0;
bool alarme = false; int nb_cycles = 0;
void log_acqui(char * msg, int va);
void ledPWM(int led, int ratio) {
int val=constrain(ratio,0,254); // limit to values [0..254]
analogWrite(led, val);
int acquis(int broche, int vmin, int vmax) {
// WIP
int val ;
val=analogRead(broche); // 1024 pts, 0 < U < 5V ==> 0 < val < 1023
return map (val, 0, 1023, vmin, vmax ) ;
static int ptTemp(struct pt *pt, int repit) {
static unsigned long ttl = 0;
while(1) {
ttl = millis() + repit ;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, millis() > ttl);
temp = acquis(AP_T, 0, 50); // pour ptHumi on a : humi = acquis(AP_T, 20, 80);
ttyPutInt ("temp: ", temp);
static int ptHumi(struct pt *pt, int repit) {
static unsigned long ttl = 0;
while(1) {
ttl = millis() + repit;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, millis() > ttl);
humi = acquis(AP_H, 20, 80);
ttyPutInt ("humi: ",humi);
static int ptAlarme (struct pt *pt, int duree){
static unsigned long ttl;
while (alarme) {
ttl = millis() + duree;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, millis() > ttl);
digitalWrite(VERTE, !digitalRead(VERTE));
static int ptNiveau(struct pt *pt){
static int nb_old = 0; int ratio;
while (!alarme) {
nb_old = nb_cycles;
ratio = map(nb_cycles, 0, 100, 254, 0);
ledPWM(VERTE, ratio);
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, nb_cycles > nb_old ); // attente nouvel arrosage
static int ptChauffe(struct pt *pt, int actif, int inactif ){
static unsigned long ttl = 0;
while (1) {
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, temp < 15);
digitalWrite(JAUNE, HIGH);
ttl = millis() + actif ;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL (pt, millis() > ttl);
digitalWrite(JAUNE, LOW);
ttl = millis() + inactif ;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL (pt, millis() > ttl);
} // Chauffe
static int ptEau(struct pt *pt, int actif, int inactif ) {
static unsigned long ttl = 0;
while (!alarme) {
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, humi < 50);
digitalWrite(BLEU, HIGH);
ttl = millis() + actif ;
alarme = ( nb_cycles > 100);
PT_WAIT_UNTIL (pt, millis() > ttl);
digitalWrite(BLEU, LOW);
ttl = millis() + inactif ;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL (pt, millis() > ttl);
} // Eau
static int ptVenti(struct pt *pt) {
static int temp_old = 0, humi_old = 0; int t_ratio=0, h_ratio = 0, i ;
static unsigned long ttl = 0;
while (1) {
if (temp < 25 && humi < 70) digitalWrite(ROUGE, LOW);
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, temp > 25 || humi > 70);
temp_old = temp;
humi_old = humi ;
if (temp > 25) t_ratio = map(temp, 0, 50, 0,254);
if (humi > 70) h_ratio = map(humi, 30, 100, 0,254);
i = max(t_ratio , h_ratio );
ledPWM(ROUGE, i) ;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, temp != temp_old || humi != humi_old );
} // Ventilateur
void initIO() {
pinMode(ROUGE, OUTPUT); analogWrite(ROUGE, 0);
pinMode(JAUNE, OUTPUT); pinMode(BLEU, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(JAUNE, LOW); digitalWrite(BLEU, LOW) ;
pinMode(VERTE, OUTPUT); analogWrite(VERTE, 254); // at max
digitalWrite(APVCC, HIGH); digitalWrite(APGND, LOW);
void setup() {
int val;
initIO(); // Setup: set LEDs & pots
// static struct pt ptT, ptH, ptV, ptC, ptE, ptN, ptA ;
PT_INIT(&ptT); PT_INIT(&ptH); PT_INIT(&ptV); PT_INIT(&ptC);
PT_INIT(&ptE); PT_INIT(&ptN); PT_INIT(&ptA);
Serial.println(F("\nLog de " __FILE__ " du " __DATE__));
ttyPutInt("Raw Temp = ",val);
ttyPutInt("Raw humi = ",val);
temp = acquis(1, 0, 100);
ttyPutInt("Temp = ",temp);
humi = acquis(0, 0, 100);
ttyPutInt("Humi = ",humi);
void loop() {
ptTemp(&ptT,2000); // acquisition t° chaque 200ms
ptHumi(&ptH,4000); // acquisition % chaque 500ms
ptVenti(&ptV); // pilotage ventilation (LED Rouge)
ptChauffe(&ptC,5,10); // pilotage chauffage de 3s et inactivité de 3s (LED Jaune)
ptEau(&ptE,3,20); // pilotage arrosage de 3s et inactivité de 5s (LED Bleu)
ptNiveau(&ptN); // affichage niveau deau, PWM Verte de 254 à 0 (LED Verte)
ptAlarme(&ptA,500); // alarme réserve vide , clignote à 1Hz (LED Verte)