/* * This thing is just a mess ! * *************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include "../floatimg.h" int verbosity; int g_width, g_height; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int testfile(char *path) { int foo, numbers[3]; foo = fimg_fileinfos(path, numbers); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "fileinfo of '%s' -> err %d\n", path, foo); return foo; } if (verbosity) { fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %dx%d\n", path, numbers[0], numbers[1]); } if (FIMG_TYPE_RGB != numbers[2]) { fprintf(stderr, "file %s, %d : bad type\n", path, numbers[2]); return -7; } return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void help(int v) { puts(""); puts("$ cumulfimgs a.fimg b.fimg c-fimg ..."); puts("cumulator options :"); puts("\t-v\tincrease verbosity"); puts("\t-o\tname of output file"); puts("\t-g\tconvert to gray level"); puts(""); if (verbosity) { puts("Xperiment"); fimg_print_version(v); } exit(0); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int foo, idx; int opt; int compte = 0; int to_gray = 0; int experiment = 0; char *output_file = "out.fimg"; FloatImg accu, temp; int src_loaded = 0; float vals[6]; g_width = g_height = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "gho:vx")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'g': to_gray = 1; break; case 'h': help(1); break; case 'o': output_file = optarg; break; case 'v': verbosity++; break; case 'x': experiment++; break; } } if (verbosity) fprintf(stderr, "------ cumulfimgs ------\n"); #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "argc = %d, optind = %d\n", argc, optind); #endif for (idx=optind; idx %d\n", argv[idx],foo); exit(1); } if ( ! src_loaded ) { foo = fimg_create_from_dump(argv[idx], &accu); fimg_clone(&accu, &temp, 0); src_loaded = 1; } else { foo = fimg_load_from_dump(argv[idx], &temp); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "load from dump -> %d\n", foo); exit(1); } fimg_add_2(&temp, &accu); } compte++; } /* XXX */ if (experiment) { } /* XXX */ if (to_gray) { foo = fimg_desaturate(&accu, &accu, 0); /* ? * but here, final picture is in RGB shape, so export give us * also an image rgb-shaped. this is not optimal, I think. */ if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "desaturate: error %d\n", foo); } } /* PLEASE CHECK IF EXPORT TO GRAY MAKE A REAL .pgm FILE */ foo = fimg_export_picture(&accu, output_file, 0); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "error %d while saving '%s'\n", foo, output_file); exit(1); } if (verbosity) { /* show some numbers about resultant picture */ foo = fimg_get_minmax_rgb(&accu, vals); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "err %d on fimg_get_minmax_rgb\n", foo); return foo; } printf("Count %d\n", compte); printf("Rmin %12.4g Rmax %12.4g delta %12g\n", vals[0], vals[1], vals[1]-vals[0]); printf("Gmin %12.4g Gmax %12.4g %12g\n", vals[2], vals[3], vals[3]-vals[2]); printf("Bmin %12.4g Bmax %12.4g %12g\n", vals[4], vals[5], vals[5]-vals[4]); } return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */